Welcome to the School of Rehabilitation Sciences (SRS) at McMaster University!
Our mission to support the education and development of the next generation of rehabilitation practitioners and scientists is supported by world-class faculty, dedicated staff and more than 500 students across seven programs.
Specifically, the SRS offers the following degrees:
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Integrated Rehabilitation and Humanities)
Master of Science (Occupational Therapy)
Master of Science (Physiotherapy)
Master of Science (Speech Language Pathology)
Master of Rehabilitation Sciences (Thesis based)
Master of Health Management (Delivered online in collaboration with the Faculty of Business and includes an in-person residency)
Doctor of Philosophy (Rehabilitation Sciences)
Dual Degree – Master of Science (Occupational Therapy or Physiotherapy) and Doctor of Philosophy (Rehabilitation Sciences)
Each of these programs offers a world-class educational experience and integrates McMaster’s commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, Indigenous reconciliation, problem-based learning (PBL), and evidence-based practice. I invite you to explore our website to learn more about each program.
SRS faculty are recognized scholars and active contributors to the research and knowledge base associated with the rehabilitation sciences. Between 2018 and 2023 we have secured more than $19 million in competitive research funds; contributed to more than 1,200 publications across journals, newspapers; and magazines; as well as held, and continue to hold, a variety of prestigious research awards and appointments including Canada Research Chair (Tier 2); Arthritis Society Canada Stars Career Development Award; Canadian Cancer Society Emerging Scholar Award; University Scholar; McMaster’s Global Ambassador; Royal Society of Canada Fellow; amongst others. They are investigators with internationally renowned research institutes and centres such as the CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability; the Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health; McMaster Institute on Research in Aging (MIRA); the McMaster Education, Research, Innovation and Theory Program; Population Health Research Institute (PHRI); and the US Department of Defense.
Our faculty supports the thesis-based rehabilitation science programs and engages with the entry to practice health professional training programs. Details about who is currently accepting applications for research students or post-doctoral candidates can be found by reviewing our faculty profiles or the Rehabilitation Sciences home page.
The SRS works collaboratively with students, faculty and staff to cultivate inclusive and contemporary training in the Rehabilitation Sciences. I encourage you to take some time to learn more about our Programs and faculty, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to connect.
Featured News
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Faculty of Health Sciences 2024: The year in awards - ft. Michelle Kho & Ada Tang
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Student Spotlight: Mary Lloyd - Reimagining Rehabilitation Through Passion and Purpose
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McMaster earns top spot for graduate student research intensity in annual rankings
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